Monitoring operations, meeting emission reduction targets, and assessing environmental performance all start with measuring the invisible.

We can help.

Our Technology

Our proprietary AI paradigm enables us to leverage powerful NASA and ESA satellites to autonomously pinpoint methane emissions at global scale and at an unprecedented accuracy. 


Pixel resolution



4 days
Median revisit time

2015 - today

Historical time series

Our Monitoring Solution

Leverage our near-real time methane detection system deployed over any number of sites of interest,  anywhere on Earth.

 Or look back in time by  querying our global detections from 2015 to today. 

100% automated

Cut down on costs with full AI automation

100% distributed

All in the Cloud - get the information you need, fast

Improved Detections

Our AI models deconvolve signal from noise and enable us to drastically lower detection thresholds. 

Looking for something else?

Whether you're interested in other greenhouse gases, or other signals of interest, we may be able to help.